DoTERRA provides access to excellent essential oils and a variety of other amazing wellness products EVERYONE will enjoy and benefit from on a DAILY basis.
Let us help you implement doTERRA into your Wellness Program
Daily Employee Benefits :
- improved atmosphere of health
- improved office wellbeing
- uplifted atmosphere
- natural in office cleaning options
- resources/products for weight loss
- less sick days
- less stress
- more energy
- cleaner air
- relief for muscle tension
- headache relief
- and so much more!
As you CAN SEE, there are endless daily benefits that doTERRA can provide for you and your employees!!
"Okay, so now I know that I really could use a variety of doTERRA products in my office. What do I do next!"
Well the first thing we would do is get you enrolled in doTERRA (or do it yourself here) Then get in contact with a WELLNESS COORDINATOR (request one for free by e-mailing We can help you set up a template of foreseen uses around the office, answer any question and give you further training and guidance!
The TEMPLATE ROUTINE in which you use the oils can be tailored to the needs of your INDIVIDUAL office. The possibilities are endless and all depends on how much you need. They can also be altered MONTH to MONTH
Example Routine:
- Peppermint for headaches, breath freshening and indigestion
- OnGuard to help combat virus and other illness
- Terra Greens- healthy green smoothies for quick lunch or missed breakfast
- Slim and Sassy Shake- for weight loss or a quick lunch or missed breakfast
- Wild Orange- Diffuse in the office for uplifting mood and cleansing the air
- Deep Blue- relieve neck and back ache
- OnGuard cleaner for cleaning the office naturally
- OnGuard hand soap for bathrooms
- Lavender- do relieve stress
- Past Tense Roll on- to relive muscle tension and headaches
- Lemon- diffuse to clean the air and uplift mood
- Supplements- from probiotics, to vitamins and cell support. A variety of products to promote health from the inside out!
doTERRA WELLNESS PROGRAM for you office it really just makes sense!
Wondering how you can get free products?? Well that part is easy! Since this is a Wellness Program for your office being on the Loyalty Rewards Program is not only easy it is the smartest way to purchase doTERRA product.
Loyalty Rewards in a Nutshell:
Purchase 100pv (~$100) of product monthly and receive products for free!
either of the previous routines outlines would qualify as a monthly "routine order" to qualify you for getting free products.
Up to 30% product credit back for Offices participating in the loyalty rewards programs.
basic ex: For every $100 dollars you spend you will receive up to $30 dollars back in product credits for purchasing free product (1 point +$1)
Other ideas:
-Room freshening spray
- Pest control
- lemon in water
- vitamins/supplements
- lotions
- chapstick
- client gifts
Thank you for looking into doTERRA as a partner in your wellness program! So many great health benefits await you and your employees!
please contact us for more information or questions!
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