doTERRA Wellness in Your Dental Office

DoTERRA as a partner in your dental office makes perfect sense! 
DoTERRA provides access to excellent essential oils and wellness products for you, your patients, employees EVERYONE to enjoy on a daily basis.
Lets dive into the possibilities and learn how DoTERRA can become a part of your office.


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Patients- "Sets you apart"
  • Diffusing wild orange or lavender in the waiting area:
    •  Patients feel uplifted, calm and relaxed as they enter your office. The air is so fresh and clean. A dental office has never seemed so pleasant!
  • Diffusing in the patient treatment room:
    • Lavender- Some patients (okay most) are nervous when it comes to dental work. But this dentist diffuses a pleasant lavender oil for you during treatment. Lavender is proven to relax brain waves and reduce anxiety. Patients loves this dental office!
    • OnGuard- A patient may mention they are getting over a cold or just feeling one coming on. They may even be immunocompromised in some way. We offer to diffuse an immune boosting essential oil blend for them while they are in our office. They may even want to take some home. This dental office really cares about me!!
    • Breathe- Some patients have trouble breathing through their nose. This is difficult in the dental chair. My dentist understands that and offers me an essential oil blend to promote clear airways. They do that for me when I come in each time! This dental office understands me.
  • Probiotics:
    • Antibiotics throw off our "good bacteria" balance. Help your patients get that back by offering them some probiotics to take after their antibiotic treatment. "This dental office knows about health!
  • Fluoride Free Toothpaste: THey have a great toothpaste for you fluoride weary patients!

The Team!

Employees- "Happier Healthier Employees"

-There is soooo much to talk about! It's seriously hard to narrow this down. Lets just say that everything that an essential oil can offer you, emotional and physical wellness, immunity etc… you can offer your employees. --- but here are some directly IN office uses you can enjoy.
  • Trim Shake- DoTERRA has a trim shake that you can have available for employees as a meal replacement. Whether they'd like to slim up or just don't have time for a nutritious lunch, you've got them covered. Who wouldn't love to work there!
  • Slim and Sassy metabolic boosting line- help employees who want to, loose weight.
  • Deep blue- Muscles hurt at the end of the day! Soothe them with an all natural, amazing blend of essential oils in a convenient cream before you head home. 
  • OnGuard beadlets- Take these when you feel something coming on or as a regular prevention… proven to prevent viruses from replicating, resulting in less severe colds etc…
  • Lemon oil or Zendocrine in your water- helps you get rid of toxins! We are around way too many in our day to day!
  • Peppermint- Helps headaches, upset stomach, hot flashes and more! You never know when you'll need some.

You- "The healthy route is what is's about"
  • #1 You can have all of these benefits too! Everyone will be healthier and happier including you! The benefits are endless! This is the most important thing, but there are other perks!
  • Wellness programs are TAX DEDUCTIBLE
  • Just $35 a year to order at the wholesale pricing
  • If you purchase over $100 monthly you get points for free products!
  • You can sell the products in your office
  • You can share this wellness program with other business owners you know which will take advantage of the $$ making opportunities while enjoying the products.

The ROUTINE in which you use the oils can be tailored to the needs of your INDIVIDUAL office. The possibilities are endless and all depends on how much you want to use.

Contact us for Wellness Consults for your entire office!

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